Therefore, the phones have different cellular bands. Before hitting the stores or placing an online order, make sure to check out all the differences below.
The A1865 will be sold for market : United States (C Spire, Sprint Wireless, US Cellular, Verizon
and Factory-Unlocked), China, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, Puerto Rico (Open Mobile, Sprint Wireless), U.S. Virgin Islands.
The A1901 will be sold for markets : United States( AT&T, T-Mobile USA), Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico (AT&T, Claro, T-Mobile USA), Singapore, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Finland,United Arab Emirates.
The A1902 will be sold for market: Japan( au, NTT DOCOMO, SoftBank)
Some part Numbers we have known at this time
Sprint, Verizon, SIM-Free:
64GB Silver MQA62LL/A
256GB Silver MQA92LL/A
64GB Space Gray MQA52LL/A
256GB Space Gray MQA82LL/A
64GB Silver MQA62LL/A
256GB Silver MQA92LL/A
64GB Space Gray MQA52LL/A
256GB Space Gray MQA82LL/A
The model list will be updated in next time we got the last information from Apple. You can check at later.